Friday, December 11, 2015

In the category of: Why Weren't You Cast After You Killed At The Callback?

I got to read for this part and was called back:
Male, 30s/40s. Probably Scandinavian (but doesn't have to look it) and has a calm, steady demeanor. He's quiet and calm in a way that has strength. He listens intently and takes in what's happening around him. He's economical with words and actions. He's totally fluent in English but speaks with a slight accent.

A week later they're still looking but...something's changed:
Male, probably in his 30s, great comic timing and an "original" sort of character actor. We are looking for someone unique. Ideas range from very bearded, tattooed, on the larger side (girth/height), very lanky, or someone with a mohawk. He could simply be someone with offbeat timing in his tone that doesn't look unusual but definitely has a character look that registers quickly.

Reason Number 7 for Leaving It In The Room.

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